The Coronavirus, Hysteria & Plastic Bags

The plastics industry has gone after reusable bags during the coronavirus pandemic.

  Let’s call this what it is, fear mongering by a lobbying organization.This is about dollars and cents and not about common sense! Continue reading The Coronavirus, Hysteria & Plastic Bags

It’s Raining Plastic … Microplastics are Everywhere!

Microplastics have been found everywhere in the world. From the depth of the deepest oceans to the highest mountain ranges tiny microplastics are raining down everywhere. Continue reading It’s Raining Plastic … Microplastics are Everywhere!

3 Secrets to Help You Stop Forgetting Your Reusable Bags

We know we’re supposed to take our reusable bag with us, yet somehow we find that we have forgotten them yet again! ARGH!
Here are the 3 steps you should take to pattern new pathways in your brain so you can remember your reusable bags. Continue reading 3 Secrets to Help You Stop Forgetting Your Reusable Bags