When we hear about creatures being harmed because of the plastics they have eaten or encountered, we almost always think about the countless species of birds, fish, aquatic animals in the oceans.
We rarely hear about the number of animals on land that are harmed worldwide. The suffering they endure is rarely reported.
The baby elephant pictured , tragically died from eating plastic debris. Dubai, Egypt and many others have been fighting the plastic debris scourge for many years as the deaths of camels, goats and other desert species continue to rise.
The price of convenience comes with a heavy cost, both to the environment and to all the innocents pictured.
Regardless of the species whether on land or in the seas the results of eating plastics are the same.
Plastics cannot be broken down in the gastric systems of any creature consuming the tasty looking debris.
Over time, the plastic debris becomes stuck as the animals cannot digest it. In turn they die of starvation unable to get the nutrition they need to survive.