Lots of people and corporations talk about Earth Day and do little else.
Over at MSNBC while they are talking about “Green is Universal” their anchor people and morning on-air personalities sip out of plastic bottles and cups.
Today, Oprah aired a magnificent show that FOCUSED on many of the plastic topics I have been blogging about for months. In particular, she talked about the infamous garbage patch in the Pacific.
Go to her site at www.Oprah.com . . . NOW! There are wonderful resources for you and your family to share. The following resources are from her website. You will also find money saving tips while going green, tips about how to go green, and where and how to re-cycle.
Remember . . . forget the paper or plastic! When possible, bring your own re-usable bags when you shop. The earth and our oceans will say “I Love You!”
I taped the Earth Show and will say it forever
to remind myself and my family how tragic the
plastic is for the animals. Thank You Opra