Plastic Straws are No Laughing Matter; Jail Time for Servers Offering Straws in California?

Mr. Calderon’s idea of addressing the issue of plastic straws is laudable. Unfortunately, thinking that passing a law, particularly this law, is wasted effort and doesn’t focus on the real problem. Straws aren’t the problem, it is the fact they are made of plastic! Continue reading Plastic Straws are No Laughing Matter; Jail Time for Servers Offering Straws in California?

Say No to Plastics; a Change of Direction in 2018


Say No to Plastics was founded in 2008.

The hope was that once people were made aware of the dangers of single-use plastics they would want to change their behavior. Surely, once they were aware of the suffering and deaths caused on land as well as in the oceans they would do something.


We were wrong. Not only did people not want to give up the convenience of plastic bags and bottles, many were offended we even suggested it!

It is hard to believe how little progress has been made in 10 years.  While we continue to focus on the impact of the unnecessary use of plastics on our environment and to our oceans & streams, world wide mega-streams of plastic debris continue to flow into our oceans and streams. The worst offenders … single-use plastic bags, bottles, straws, balloons! All are unnecessary and all are deadly if not disposed of properly!


Some progress has been made, but not nearly enough. So, this year our focus will be on getting the word out. What that means “in your face” out, visually not confrontationally. It means wearing apparel as a way of informing and educating. Writing and blogging are no longer enough. Talking to each other is akin to preaching to the choir, as the expression goes.

If you want to make an impact, consider purchasing one of our tee shirts. Wear them when you go shopping, to school, or go to the beach. Our shirts are billboards to the world and those around us that we care. If and when you strike up a conversation, be armed with facts if people ask you about why you are Saying No to Plastics.



Good intentions have to be transformed into real actions. Remember, we are what we leave behind!



7 Plastic Free Christmas Gifts That Can Change Lives for Under $100

During the Christmas and holiday season, consideration should be given to groups whose acts of charity can change lives of the poor on a year round basis. The following are faith based and secular groups embracing the ecumenical notion of community and social responsibility. Continue reading 7 Plastic Free Christmas Gifts That Can Change Lives for Under $100

Single-Use Plastics are Dangerous & Old Fashioned; Time for a New Way of Thinking

I began writing about the dangers of single-use plastics and the damage they inflict on our environment in 2008. At that time, I thought surely once people understood how harmful plastics were they would want to do something.

I WAS WRONG! Continue reading Single-Use Plastics are Dangerous & Old Fashioned; Time for a New Way of Thinking

Single-Use Plastic Bags & Bottles Destructive to Our Oceans, Our World

There was a time, not that long ago when you would see countless cigarette butts littering the landscape. Then, something happened ever so slowly, the ugly disgusting cigarette butts began disappearing from bars and restaurants, parking lots, sidewalks, beaches, ashtrays in public and private buildings. Continue reading Single-Use Plastic Bags & Bottles Destructive to Our Oceans, Our World

Will Pharrell’s Documentary ‘The Plastic Age’ Help Lessen Our Plastic Addiction?

Pharrell Williams has joined the fight to save our oceans. He talks about his love for the oceans and our need to save them in a new i-D documentary, The Plastic Age. Let’s face it, how can anyone not like Pharrell, a man whose music impacts countless millions of fans? Clearly, Pharrell knows how get a message out. Continue reading Will Pharrell’s Documentary ‘The Plastic Age’ Help Lessen Our Plastic Addiction?

Is It Time For a Worldwide Ban on Single-use Plastic Bags?

Let me state for the record, that with few exceptions, I do not like governmental bans or restrictions on personal behavior. […] There are, however, exigent circumstances when the harm being done is so massive that intervention in the form of bans is necessary. So it is with the worldwide pollution caused by the indiscriminate use of plastics for convenience rather than necessity. Continue reading Is It Time For a Worldwide Ban on Single-use Plastic Bags?