It’s Raining Plastic … Microplastics are Everywhere!

According to a recent article in EcoWatch Microplastics have been found everywhere in the world. From the depth of the deepest oceans to the highest mountain ranges tiny microplastics are raining down everywhere.

More alarming is a study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology  where it was found that the average person swallows about 50,000 pieces of plastic per year! That’s not all, we are inhaling similar amounts of microplastics.

But if eating 50,000 pieces of plastic per year isn’t alarming enough, the true number is likely much higher. The researchers only looked at a small number of foods and drinks. And, drinking bottled water drastically increases the amount of microplastics you consume, The Guardian reports.

Single use plastics continue to be the bane of our existence!
