The Continued Use of All Things Plastic in 2018

The ongoing devastation to the oceans and our environment caused by plastic trash in all its forms continues at an alarming rate. Our oceans are becoming little more than sewers for the world’s refuge. Continue reading The Continued Use of All Things Plastic in 2018

Shocking: 10 Animal Species Dying From Eating Plastics

When we hear about creatures being harmed because of the plastics they have eaten or encountered, we almost always think about the countless species of birds, fish, aquatic animals in the oceans.
We rarely hear about the number of animals on land that are harmed worldwide. The suffering they endure is rarely reported.
Continue reading Shocking: 10 Animal Species Dying From Eating Plastics

Plastic Straws are No Laughing Matter; Jail Time for Servers Offering Straws in California?

Mr. Calderon’s idea of addressing the issue of plastic straws is laudable. Unfortunately, thinking that passing a law, particularly this law, is wasted effort and doesn’t focus on the real problem. Straws aren’t the problem, it is the fact they are made of plastic! Continue reading Plastic Straws are No Laughing Matter; Jail Time for Servers Offering Straws in California?

Will Pharrell’s Documentary ‘The Plastic Age’ Help Lessen Our Plastic Addiction?

Pharrell Williams has joined the fight to save our oceans. He talks about his love for the oceans and our need to save them in a new i-D documentary, The Plastic Age. Let’s face it, how can anyone not like Pharrell, a man whose music impacts countless millions of fans? Clearly, Pharrell knows how get a message out. Continue reading Will Pharrell’s Documentary ‘The Plastic Age’ Help Lessen Our Plastic Addiction?

The US Costly Addiction to Plastic; Beijing Bans US Imports of Trash!

Operation Green Fence, a campaign by Chinese customs to strictly enforce laws governing the import of waste, “could be a game changer,” says Doug Kramer, president of Kramer Metals, an international scrap dealer in Los Angeles. “A lot of companies have used China as a dumping ground, getting rid of … substandard scrap and trash,” Mr. Kramer says.

The headlines were recently blaring …Beijing bans US imports of trash! That one my friends, is a very big headline. Bet you didn’t know our biggest export to China is our trash!

Yes, we export more trash than soybeans or wheat. It seems, except for green crusaders, very few people, politicians, or people in the MSM want to acknowledge the silent nightmare that plastic trash and garbage presents. Continue reading The US Costly Addiction to Plastic; Beijing Bans US Imports of Trash!