When Our Oceans Are Barren; Japanese Atrocities of Whales, Dolphins & Sharks

No, we have a few nations, Japan in particular, that behave with utter disregard to savage, mind numbing killing of sharks just for their fins. Harvesting sharks as a food source is one thing … killing hundreds of thousands of sharks just for their fins and tossing the rest of the carcasses away is criminal waste.

The Japanese apparently feel that all of the oceans fish, sharks, dolphins, and whales are there to feed their voracious appetites for sea food and the rest of the world be dammed. It’s part of their culture, don’t ya know! Continue reading When Our Oceans Are Barren; Japanese Atrocities of Whales, Dolphins & Sharks


One of the posts I continue to get traffic on every day (here) is about PETA and why so people dislike the organization. I understand the emotional component of wanting to spare unnecessary pain to animals I don’t understand mean and childish pranks that generate media attention and little else.

These two videos are a case in point! Let’s just call this, now you see the monkey Peta got upset about and now you don’t! Continue reading LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT PETA


It’s time for the US to get serious about banning or (at the very least) addressing the environmental damage caused by the ubiquitous single use plastic.

It is ironic that for a country that has led the world in so many environmental issues that we have such a shameful record of ignoring this hazard … all in the name of convenience, of course!

How’s this for a statistic?Plastic constitutes a whopping 90 percent of all trash floating in the oceans, and that represents as much as 80 percent of all plastic waste on earth! Continue reading CALIFORNIA BANS THE PLASTIC BAG

Oil Glut on World Markets … Obama Lies About Oil Resources Being Depleted!

Last night on day 57 of the BP oil disaster, we heard Obama give the speech he should have given 50 days ago.  All through the first half of the speech I kept thinking, “ya, ya I’ve heard that already… Continue reading Oil Glut on World Markets … Obama Lies About Oil Resources Being Depleted!


Too many people refuse to take the impact of plastic bags, trash, and debris in the oceans seriously.

For some it is as simple as out of sight and out of mind. If they can’t see it (the destruction caused by plastic trash), it cannot possibly be an issue to grapple with. For others, the attitude they present is,”don’t bother me with facts, my mind’s made up!”

I happened across this video of a Bryde’s whale dying after having eaten plastic trash. This was confirmed after the necropsy as this brief clip shows. Continue reading BRYDE'S WHALE DIES AFTER INGESTING PLASTIC BAGS


Last week Target, the fifth-largest U.S. retailer in 2008 and CVS announced plans designed to reduce the number of single use plastic bags their customers carry out of their 7,000 stores every year. Target  plans to give customers a 5-cent Continue reading TARGET & CVS SAYING GOODBY TO SINGLE USE PLASTIC BAGS