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The Say No to Plastics mission includes fighting the plastics industry so we can leave the earth cleaner than we found it for this generation and all generations that follow!

With your help we can:
to inform and educate as many of our friends, neighbors, consumers, corporations, businesses, civic groups etc. about the ecological disaster caused by the indiscriminate use and improper disposal of plastics today
to rid the planet of all forms of unnecessary plastic that is found in our oceans, landfills, and environment
to work with businesses and corporations to bring ideas and products to them that will help facilitate and integrate their corporate contribution & message to the Green Revolution
to use all forms of social media to bring attention to an issue so easily overlooked!
Let’s work together!!!
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Idea: Reduce number of plastic bottles sold at British airports. Shame the airport authorities into providing multiple and well signposted water fountains in the airport terminals so that once through security passengers can refill their water bottles. Airports elsewhere in the world manage do this, particularly in Far East. Water is a human right. To make us pay for it in airport terminals is an example of crass commercial greed. Let’s work out the saving on plastic use if even 50% passengers refill water bottles instead of buying a single use plastic bottle. Given that by flying, passengers are already guilty of a higher than average carbon footprint, they may be very willing to embrace an environmental campaign.
would you consider writing a piece for us? I am now the “green culture writer” for the Examiner. Maybe I could integrate your piece into an article about our common passion… plastic pollution.
I think there are many people that would appreciate your e perspective as someone living n Europe … this is a world wide problem
we need to work together to find workable solutions
Hi Beth:
Just visited your site. Love it. I’m linking now. This is a work of love while I focus on my political blog, and business, and a host of other things. BTW, I am surprised at the number of reflexive negative reactions I’ve received about doing something so easy for the planet. I’ve purposely tried not to identify villains or bad guys in this because it’s usually the best way to turn people off even before they’ve the message, but that’s a topic of a future post.
Keep up the good work, too!
Hi there. In fact, there is a whole community of bloggers working to reduce our plastic waste and plastic consumption. I’ve been on a roll since June of 2007 — coming up on 2 years!
I believe I’ve got the most comprehensive list on the Internet of ways to reduce plastic in our lives. Still, it’s definitely a work in progress. Please stop by. Would love to connect with you and find out more about your project and blog.
Feel free to email me directly at beth [at] fakeplasticfish [dot] com.
BTW, found your site via Best Green Blogs.
Thank you for the contact.
Know there are people here who want to change this. This is one time when we can all work together to make something good happen.
Please let us know of any progress or success stories of any kind when they happen on your side of Atlantic.
a blog fighting plastic !?
how mad can you get 😉
we do the same on our blog,
mainly in dutch
but do have a look at the pics !!