What we’re seeing is the product greed, selfishness, and short sightedness on the part of government, consumers, and governing agencies alike.

Combine that with the excessive over fishing of the many species of fish is it little wonder that the one Bluefin tuna would fetch almost $400,000.00? Continue reading MORE PLASTIC IN THE OCEANS THAN FISH… ONE BLUEFIN TUNA SELLS FOR $396,000


What you can do …

Our thoughtless use and disposal of plastic is helping us kill every form of life. Fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, porpoise, pelicans, seagulls, etc.; the reefs that support so many forms of life . . . all are negatively impacted by our (unintentional) thoughtlessness.
If the oceans are to survive it begins with YOU! Remember it’s not just a plastic bag. Continue reading HOW BIG IS YOUR PLASTIC FOOTPRINT?

The U.S. dumping its electronic waste on poor countries

The amount of e-waste that is generated by the U.S. every year is simply staggering. The U.S. is the world’s top producer of e-waste. According Popular Mechanics we produce 2.25 million tons of used electronics every year and recycle on 18% of our tech toys. Continue reading The U.S. dumping its electronic waste on poor countries

Death by Plastic Bags & Bottles

According to a recent article in National Geographic News, 44 percent of all seabirds eat plastic, apparently by mistake, sometimes with fatal effects. And 267 marine species are affected by plastic garbage—animals are known to swallow plastic bags, which resemble jellyfish in mid-ocean, for example—according to a 2008 study in the journal Environmental Research by oceanographer and chemist Charles Moore, of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation. Continue reading Death by Plastic Bags & Bottles

When Our Oceans Are Barren; Japanese Atrocities of Whales, Dolphins & Sharks

No, we have a few nations, Japan in particular, that behave with utter disregard to savage, mind numbing killing of sharks just for their fins. Harvesting sharks as a food source is one thing … killing hundreds of thousands of sharks just for their fins and tossing the rest of the carcasses away is criminal waste.

The Japanese apparently feel that all of the oceans fish, sharks, dolphins, and whales are there to feed their voracious appetites for sea food and the rest of the world be dammed. It’s part of their culture, don’t ya know! Continue reading When Our Oceans Are Barren; Japanese Atrocities of Whales, Dolphins & Sharks