In just 45 years, our consumption rate of plastic bags has grown from almost zero to our use of over 500,000,000,000 (that’s 500 billion) plastic bags annually … almost 1 million per minute.
According to The Wall Street Journal, the U.S. goes through 100 billion plastic shopping bags annually. 12 million barrels of oil are required to make that many plastic bags.
Four out of five grocery bags in the US are now plastic.
It takes about 72 billion gallons of water a year to make plastic bottles.
Plastic bags cause hundreds of thousands of birds, sea turtle and other marine animal deaths every year because these creatures mistake plastic trash for food.
Countries like China, Ireland, Australia, Bangladesh have banned or have placed restrictions on single use plastic bags.
Taiwan banned plastic bag and plastic utensils as a way to reduce 60,000 metric tons of waste per year they deal with each year
93% of Americans 6 or older test positive for BPA a chemical used to make plastics because it is absorbed into their bodies.
Target, the second-largest retailer in the U.S. purchases 1.8 billion bags a year. They just announced a new program to give consumers a nickel back for each reusable bag they bring into their stores when they shop.
Target (Australia) completely banned single use plastic bags in their stores in 2008.
Each high quality reusable bag you use has the potential to eliminate an average of 1,000 plastic bags over its lifetime.
Americans use 2.5 million plastic bottles every HOUR. Each of us creates 1,500 lbs of trash every year that has to be disposed of that could be recycled with a little effort.
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Inspite of so many people who have knowledge about the harm whic Plastic is dooin to our mother earth and effecting so many creatures and marine life, people how can they use plastic......... STOP STOP STOP PLASTIC........SAVE EARTH
Now if only they could think of an equally efficient and effective way of getting rid of all those bottles. We have enough already.
Hi everyone, I feel so strongly about this and other environmental issues I have set up a website which is designed as a community think tank for which will aim towards getting like minded people to share thoughts, knowledge and visions to overcome these issues, you are welcome to join and pass on to others, Truity Online is a forum of expression for those who want to make a difference.
Bottled water products produce up to 1.5 million tons of plastic waste each year. We are encouraging everyone to eliminate that waste by Bringing Your Own Bottle with you to help keep our environment clean and safe. So far, Primo Water Corporation has helped prevent 302,958,580 plastic bottles from entering landfills! To join the movement and learn more about the harmful effects of plastic bottles on the environment, become a fan of B.Y.O.B. on Facebook!
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We can do this. It is such a simple concept. REMEMBER to always bring your reusable bags and the team at is here to help you. We have created a FREE car window static cling to help remind you to grab your bags as you leave the car. It also has the added benefit of reminding others around you to do the same. Go to to get yours today. Together we can make a difference!!
WOW that is just sad i wish people knew this all over the world
Another thing to consider is the amount of energy that goes into the production of plastic water cooler jugs for office water coolers. Every year in the US 1.5 million barrels of oil are consumed in the production of bottles alone and most end up sitting in landfills. Companies could easily lower their carbon footprint by switching to a bottleless water cooler from a company like Quench.