Plastic Bag Manufacturers Playing Hard Ball Suing Eco-Friendly Companies

Manufacturing plastic bags is big business, make no mistake about that. The inroads that Eco- groups have made getting consumers to switch from single use plastic bags to reusables has not gone un-noticed by plastics industry.

Rather than change their products by producing biodegradable bags that consumers would feel good about using, they have decided to play bully and sue ChicoBag company in South Carolina. Continue reading Plastic Bag Manufacturers Playing Hard Ball Suing Eco-Friendly Companies


Forget the hokum about global warming. Plastic pollution can be seen everywhere. This problem is here now not some place in the distant future.

The vast amount of plastic trash that enters the oceans is a real problem, a problem that grows ever omnipresent on a hourly basis. Continue reading PLASTIC TRASH IS A BIGGER PROBLEM THAN GLOBAL WARMING


What you can do …

Our thoughtless use and disposal of plastic is helping us kill every form of life. Fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, porpoise, pelicans, seagulls, etc.; the reefs that support so many forms of life . . . all are negatively impacted by our (unintentional) thoughtlessness.
If the oceans are to survive it begins with YOU! Remember it’s not just a plastic bag. Continue reading HOW BIG IS YOUR PLASTIC FOOTPRINT?

The U.S. dumping its electronic waste on poor countries

The amount of e-waste that is generated by the U.S. every year is simply staggering. The U.S. is the world’s top producer of e-waste. According Popular Mechanics we produce 2.25 million tons of used electronics every year and recycle on 18% of our tech toys. Continue reading The U.S. dumping its electronic waste on poor countries

Death by Plastic Bags & Bottles

According to a recent article in National Geographic News, 44 percent of all seabirds eat plastic, apparently by mistake, sometimes with fatal effects. And 267 marine species are affected by plastic garbage—animals are known to swallow plastic bags, which resemble jellyfish in mid-ocean, for example—according to a 2008 study in the journal Environmental Research by oceanographer and chemist Charles Moore, of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation. Continue reading Death by Plastic Bags & Bottles


It’s time for the US to get serious about banning or (at the very least) addressing the environmental damage caused by the ubiquitous single use plastic.

It is ironic that for a country that has led the world in so many environmental issues that we have such a shameful record of ignoring this hazard … all in the name of convenience, of course!

How’s this for a statistic?Plastic constitutes a whopping 90 percent of all trash floating in the oceans, and that represents as much as 80 percent of all plastic waste on earth! Continue reading CALIFORNIA BANS THE PLASTIC BAG

Toxic Shocker … Extremely High Toxin Levels found in Whales on Global Level

The AP is reporting exceedingly high levels of deadly heavy metals and toxins in the bloodstreams of whales. Roger Payne, the American scientist who headed the research with the Ocean Alliance, has been studying whales for decades. Continue reading Toxic Shocker … Extremely High Toxin Levels found in Whales on Global Level